Friday, March 30, 2007

Fluoride and the Thyroid

Interesting links to Thyroid complaints due to Fluoridation:

Thyroid & Fluoride:the thyroid gland requires iodine to produce the hormone,thyroxine, which controls the rate of metabolism in the body. But when fluoride is present,iodine is displaced,which will cause a thyroid to stop working properly(K.Roholm,Handbuch Experimenteller Pharmakologie,Ergaenzungwerk,Vol7,Berlin:Springer, 1938:20) The parathyroid gland, which regulates distribution of calcium and phosporus in the body, is also extremely sensitive to fluoride. So, it displaces iodine and accumulates calcium in soft tissue, also being linked to heart disease. Research from India has shown red blood cells die prematurely when exposed to fluoride lowering haemoglobin and causing anemia. And the list goes on...Who in their right mind would believe that dumping a toxic by-product (and fluoride has been described in the Physicians Handbook as more toxic than lead and only slightly less toxic than arsenic) from the fertiliser industry into the public drinking water without any health check whatsoever anywhere in the world, and no regulation for individual intakes, could be beneficial?! Lobbyists for vested interests excepted. Everyone should look at the latest statistics on prescribed drugs in the GMS. The third most prescribed drug in Ireland is Levothyroxine -- the treatment for hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). In other words, there is now an epidemic of hypothyroidism, very surprising in a maritime nation. Get it out of Irish drinking water now.

Reply to BILL W., a systems analyst who writes in to the Irish Medical News constantly defending fluoridation and using as his main point the fact that there are microscopic quantities of most elements in the human body – as if this excuses dumping more lead, arsenic, etc etc into our bodies in the form of hydrofluorosilicic acid or its close relatives. Seems he should analyse the system which foisted this awful practice on us in the first place instead of acting like the fluoridation marketing manager!

Bill - what is your PROOF that fluoride added in the doses used for fluoridation are safe? I have asked you this before and you still have not answered. If you are a member of the dental fraternity, then you will answer by rote : 40, 50 60 years of fluoridation have shown, blah blah. Sorry! Will not do! Show me the proof through a long-term public health survey of a fluoridated population. The Expert Body on Fluoridation admitted only last month that they couldn't find a toxicologist for their investigation (probably the most important branch of science in the study of a poison - hydrofluorosilicic acid - steadily fed on a long-term basis to a population)!!! Neither are dentists doctors, although some like to think they are. Dentists’ preserve of expertise is in the mouth, they do not look at the whole body. It seems to me that WE are the long-term toxicological experiment right now. And with the increase in various conditions which have been linked to the fluoride, arsenic and lead in hydrofluorosilicic acid - at MUCH HIGHER LEVELS than normally occurring in the body, in the general run down of iodine in the population (fluoride fights iodine and calcium), in the growth of hyperthyroidism, etc etc - it seems to me that the experiment on us is showing that fluoridation is a damn stupid idea in the long run!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Letter to Irish Citizens

February 5th, 2007

Dear Sir or Madam,

This letter concerns a matter that affects all of us living in Ireland, young and older.

In light of the recent declaration by the American Dental Association and the U.S. Center for Disease Control, together with numerous warnings from scientists, doctors and dentists, that the use of fluoridated water (tapwater) is NOT recommended for the reconstitution of baby and infant formula, I enclose a copy of a self-financed poster and billboard campaign currently active in Dublin to highlight the situation for the Irish public. This campaign is running in 50 locations throughout Dublin and an in-store poster campaign is about to begin.

The situation is very serious as fluoride accumulates in the body and young children retain up to 80% of ingested fluoride. Research over the past 30 years indicates that use of fluoride in a public water scheme leads to:
1) higher levels of bone cancer in boys, and brittle bones in adults
2) lower IQ levels (from 6-12 IQ points has been noted)
3) 40% of Irish children have fluorosis (mottling of teeth indicating enamel and related bone changes)
4) possible increased incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease (due to fluoride’s propensity to combine with other minerals, mainly lead and aluminium – higher than normal levels of aluminium are recorded in sufferer’s brains, fluoride is retained by the body, usually 50% in adults)
5) fluoride displaces iodine in the body – with evidence of associated thyroid problems
6) no increase in dental caries where fluoride ceases to be added to drinking water

Don’t forget, Ireland is the ONLY country in Europe to fluoridate by statute, only the UK (10% of pop.) and some cities in Spain (3%) permit the addition of fluoride to drinking water. You would think that being the only European fluoridating country that we would have by far the best caries rating, however, we come SIXTH in the league!

Ireland was sold a pup in 1960 by Dr Harold Hodge, an American expert on fluoride who pushed compulsory fluoridation on the Irish people through what is now known to have been manipulated and false reporting of the benefits. Newburgh, NY was the American town held up by the fluoridation lobby to be the shining example of the benefits of fluoridation. At the Supreme Court in Dublin in 1964, we didn’t know that Hodge had halted the 10 year trials for Newburgh after 5 years, that he knew of experiments with dogs in 1962 which had shown fluoride as highly toxic, and that he had experimented on subjects for the Manhattan Project, injecting unknowing car crash victims with radioactive materials to study the effects. This is the man who convinced our judiciary (who had no scientific background) that this was a safe and beneficial method of keeping down cavities. We didn’t learn the truth about him until documents were declassified in the early 1990’s.

We still do not hear the truth about the fluoridation issue from our media. Newburgh (which incidentally used pure sodium fluoride in the trials) has no better dental record 50 years down the line than Kingston, the “control” town that it was compared with. It does, however, have one of the highest heart disease rates in the U.S. “Fluoride concentrates in the arteries, attracting calcium and can contribute directly to their hardening” according to scientists. This high rate of heart disease is shared by Grand Rapids, Michigan, another test town for fluoride in the 1950’s, which doubled its disease rate only 5 years into the trials. And it is shared by Ireland.

The Irish health authorities pay over a million euro per annum and dump 10,000 liters of hydrofluorosilicic acid into our drinking water every day. It is illegal to emit this substance into the air, open water or land. But into our kidneys is fine. An analysis of this acid shows it is contaminated by many chemicals and elements such as lead, aluminium, mercury, chromium - there are, in fact over 40 different items in this “chemical soup”. The analysis has been done by the Eastern Health Board . Moreover, it is left to the supplying chemical companies to ensure the integrity and standard of the fluoridating acid. It is important to realise that what goes into our water is NOT AT ALL similar to pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride as used in toothpaste – instead we get a toxic soup in drinking water.

Why does the health minister risk what is becoming an obvious long-term health hazard? Why has she not reduced the levels of fluoride in our water as recommended by the Governments OWN scientific study group – the Fluoridation Forum? That was back in 2002 and levels have been left unchanged! What is the story? Is it laziness, inefficiency or is there a possible agenda? Granted that the phosphate industries save hundreds of millions of dollars every year by selling their waste for use in water fluoridation in the U.S, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland instead of having to pay for costly treatment of this hazardous waste, but our politicians wouldn’t risk the health of the nation for that. Would they?

Our Department of Health has been totally silent about not using tapwater for babies’ formula. Why do they risk our babies’ health? The consensus worldwide is that tapwater fluoridated at 1ppm, as is in Ireland, should NOT be given to children under 4 years of age – where are the warnings from our government? In fact, I have discovered that nurses are told to tell mothers NOT to use bottled waters for formula! Why? Because some waters have too much sodium! Instead of letting the public know which bottled waters can be used, they direct newborn babies on to fluoridated tapwater in direct disregard of all medical advice! I have spent a few days locating many of the bottled waters available in Ireland and have compiled a list of which ones are suitable to use for infant formula and which are not. Happily, the best ones to use are among the cheapest on the market! This survey is available free of charge to anyone who wants it by emailing and requesting a copy.

Everyone, including the pro-fluoride lobby, agrees that fluoride works topically, not systemically. OK, so there is no need to swallow it. So WHY do we put it into the drinking water? It is estimated that the “target” for fluoridation, namely 5 –12 year olds who are forming teeth, consume only 0.01% of the water. Isn’t it better to target them through educational methods and selective treatment, rather than a mass medication of everyone?

The “background level” of fluoride in our world is now extremely high. In the 1960’s there was hardly any. In the 2000’s fluoride in toothpaste, food, drinks, and industrial processes is pervasive. Of course, we already brush our teeth with it, but also we eat it, drink it, spray our crops with it, bathe in it, wash our clothes and bed-linen in it, every time we come in contact with something that has used fluoridated tapwater, we add that little bit of fluoride to our bodies. In the 1990’s neurological effects were shown in laboratory animals at 1ppm, which is the level we put into our drinking water! Up until the 1930’s they were trying to get fluoride OUT of water, since then industry has seen to it that what was then a dangerous chemical which caused a number of environmental disasters, was cynically transformed into the essential ingredient for nice shiny teeth!

I urge you to make every effort over the next few weeks to have fluoride taken out of the Irish water supply. It is only by informing people of the long term dangers of this policy (and strangely, there has never, ever been a long term toxicity test for water fluoridation, anywhere) that we can persuade the Government to stop what is not just an infringement of people’s rights, but an infringement of their and their children’s health, as well. It is mass medication without regulation or concern for those who suffer from reactions to fluoride.

I can substantiate all comments in this letter. I am available should you wish further information. I have started the publicity ball rolling by placing these billboards over Dublin. In the near future the campaign will be expanded to Cork, Limerick and Galway. It is you, though, who will have to shoulder some of the responsibility for informing the public and our leaders. If you are worried about the consequences, just remember that when consulted by the Fluoridation Forum, 90% of Irish people said they did not want fluoridation; many city and county councils have also voted against it. The best result for us all will be to stop the policy dead. Please sign our petition which will be brought to the EU Commission to request the halt to this practice. Also please sign the petition at . And mention it on-line or in person to you local politician.
With Thanks & Best Regards,

European Union Environmental Services Ireland

Christopher Bryson – The Fluoride Deception
Barry Groves – Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death?
WEBSITES: -very interesting look at all the physical effects of fluoride - A Doctors View -in plain English -what the chemical companies say -what the York Report REALLY said -analysis of baby FL intake - just one of many scientists’ view - leaching of lead due to FL - links with Alzheimers - Prof.Paul Connett - Dr. Don MacAuley – Irish Dentist - DoHC Hiding Report? - A parents view site - U.S. Community concern - the Fluoride Deception film trailer

Hi, I am writing to you from an Irish environmental company, which is involved in the campaign to have fluoride removed from our drinking water in Ireland.

Research over the past 30 years indicates that use of fluoride in a public water scheme leads to:
a) higher levels of bone cancer in boys, and brittle bones in adults
b) lower IQ levels (from 6-12 IQ points has been noted)
c) 40% of Irish children have fluorosis (mottling of teeth indicating enamel and related bone changes)
d) possible increased incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease (due to fluoride’s propensity to combine with other minerals, mainly lead and aluminium – higher than normal levels of aluminium are recorded in sufferer’s brains, fluoride is retained by the body, usually 50% in adults)
e) fluoride displaces iodine in the body – with evidence of associated thyroid problems
f) no increase in dental caries where fluoride ceases to be added to drinking water

Don’t forget, Ireland is the ONLY country in Europe to fluoridate by statute, only the UK (10% of pop.) and some cities in Spain (3%) permit the addition of fluoride to drinking water. You would think that being the only European fluoridating country that we would have by far the best caries rating, however, we come SIXTH in the league!

We still do not hear the truth about the fluoridation issue from our media. Newburgh (which incidentally used pure sodium fluoride in the trials) has no better dental record 50 years down the line than Kingston, the “control” town that it was compared with. It does, however, have one of the highest heart disease rates in the U.S. “Fluoride concentrates in the arteries, attracting calcium and can contribute directly to their hardening” according to scientists. This high rate of heart disease is shared by Grand Rapids, Michigan, another test town for fluoride in the 1950’s, which doubled its disease rate only 5 years into the trials. And it is shared by Ireland.

Everyone, including the pro-fluoride lobby, agrees that fluoride works topically, not systemically. OK, so there is no need to swallow it. So WHY do we put it into the drinking water? It is estimated that the “target” for fluoridation, namely 5 –12 year olds who are forming teeth, consume only 0.01% of the water. Isn’t it better to target them through educational methods and selective treatment, rather than a mass medication of everyone?
The “background level” of fluoride in our world is now extremely high. In the 1960’s there was hardly any. In the 2000’s fluoride in toothpaste, food, drinks, and industrial processes is pervasive. Of course, we already brush our teeth with it, but also we eat it, drink it, spray our crops with it, bathe in it, wash our clothes and bed-linen in it, every time we come in contact with something that has used fluoridated tapwater, we add that little bit of fluoride to our bodies. In the 1990’s neurological effects were shown in laboratory animals at 1ppm, which is the level we put into our drinking water! Up until the 1930’s they were trying to get fluoride OUT of water, since then industry has seen to it that what was then a dangerous chemical that caused a number of environmental disasters, was cynically transformed into the essential ingredient for nice shiny teeth!

Saturday, 03/10/07
Bellevue water problem under control, utility district says
By CLAY CAREYStaff Writer
Officials with the Harpeth Valley Utility District (Tennessee) say they’ve addressed a mechanical problem that fed too much fluoride into water that went out to about 1,000 homes in the Bellevue area.Early Friday morning, the district discovered a “mechanical malfunction” that let too much fluoride into the water system, according to John Brown, general manager of the utility district.The district halted the flow of fluoride into the public water system that morning, and fluoride levels were back to normal in most areas by 11 a.m. Friday, Brown said.As of Saturday night, however, the agency said it had not yet started adding fluoride back into the system.Homes and businesses in Bellevue between River Road and Highway 70 at the Bellevue mall were impacted, he said.The district has already distributed information to most of the customers in the impacted area, he said.In all, the Harpeth Valley Utility District provides water to about 16,000 customers in Davidson and Williamson counties.Utility districts across the country have been adding fluoride to water for decades. Brown said it’s been fed into the Harpeth Valley Utility District’s water supply for at least 25 years. It’s put into the water to strengthen the consumer’s teeth.Too much fluoride can be harmful, but it takes years of overexposure for fluoride to negatively impact a person’s health, Brown said. Levels in the Bellevue area were only out of line for about six hours.But “to err on the safe side,” Brown said, the district is encouraging customers who used tap water to mix drinks like baby formula and orange juice Friday morning to throw those drinks out.
View All Comments

Sir, I am surprised that as general manager of the Harpeth Valley Water Utility Company, Mr. John Brown is not aware of the recent declaration by the American Dental Association and the U.S. Center for Disease Control, together with numerous warnings from scientists, doctors and dentists, that the use of fluoridated water (tapwater) is NOT recommended for the reconstitution of baby and infant formula AT ALL! And that fluoridated water should not be given to children under the age of 1 year as this is the age which is most important in the formation of and whether they will have fluorosis (staining of the teeth) or not on their PERMANENT teeth. Yours, EUES IrelandPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:29 am

While this story about a “malfunction” in feeding a deadly toxin into the public water supply is important, it appears that neither Mr. Carey nor his editor fully recognizes this importance. They apparently sense that there is something worth reporting, but Mr. Carey’s approach is to assure the reader that despite this mishap, all is well in Smallville, as well as in Metropolis. Mr. Carey regurgitates what the utility manager blithely tells him about the accident without giving the reader any sense of the potential gravity of the situation (people have died or have been severely injured by such “malfunctions”) and also without acknowledging that there are major medical and ethical questions about the practice of dosing citizens with a poison, which is more toxic than lead and only slightly less toxic than arsenic, without their informed consent. Furthermore, he has not bothered to research the fact that the fluoridating agent also contains, as acknowledged by the CDC, small amounts of arsenic, lead, and even radioactive elements, because it is toxic waste! Any amount of lead or arsenic increases the rate of cancer in the population. See the recent report by a distinguished panel of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences (March 2006) for some of the important issues. Citizens need journalism that helps them to weigh thoughtfully the alternatives and assorted factors before making any fateful decision (e.g., whether or not to allow fluoridation to continue). True journalism also emphasizes the ethical and moral choices inherent in decisions that can never be settled even by having all the facts. Journalism that is well thought out and well executed can help people to think and decide rather than simply to believe uncritically what they are being spoon fed by a media reporter. And, Mr. Carey has shown that he is just that--a reporter--not a journalist. As a responsible citizen, I want to know what someone other than a utility manager has to say about the potential for damage of such mishaps. He is not a toxicologist, nor is he a doctor, nor is he even informed on the subject, or he would have known that it is unsafe to mix infant formula with fluoridated water. But, obviously, he is a true believer in what he has been told and so, apparently, is Mr. Carey. Journalists ask questions, a lot of them! They don’t just accept. And, they explore all sides of an issue, especially one as controversial as fluoridation. Or take aspartame as yet another example of politically generated and unconscionable FDA approval of a deadly toxin as safe for human consumption. It has been reported that the Pentagon once listed aspartame in an inventory of prospective biochemical warfare weapons submitted to Congress. Reporters write what they are told to write, either by their interviewees or by those with the power to compel. Journalism is a dying art. Bravery is a dying virtue. But, it is a bull market for propaganda it seems.Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:24 am

That's Fit Blog

Reader Comments
(Page 1)

2. anything ending in "-ide" is usually the ionic form of a halide (ie the elements in the second column from the right on the periodic table). Examples include, Calcium Chloride, sodium iodide, hydrogen bromide...
4. Hi, I am writing to you from an Irish environmental company, which is involved in the campaign to have fluoride removed from our drinking water in Ireland.Research over the past 30 years indicates that use of fluoride in a public water scheme leads to:7) higher levels of bone cancer in boys, and brittle bones in adults8) lower IQ levels (from 6-12 IQ points has been noted)9) 40% of Irish children have fluorosis (mottling of teeth indicating enamel and related bone changes)10) possible increased incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease (due to fluoride’s propensity to combine with other minerals, mainly lead and aluminium – higher than normal levels of aluminium are recorded in sufferer’s brains, fluoride is retained by the body, usually 50% in adults)11) fluoride displaces iodine in the body – with evidence of associated thyroid problems12) no increase in dental caries where fluoride ceases to be added to drinking waterDon’t forget, Ireland is the ONLY country in Europe to fluoridate by statute, only the UK (10% of pop.) and some cities in Spain (3%) permit the addition of fluoride to drinking water. You would think that being the only European fluoridating country that we would have by far the best caries rating, however, we come SIXTH in the league!We still do not hear the truth about the fluoridation issue from our media. Newburgh (which incidentally used pure sodium fluoride in the trials) has no better dental record 50 years down the line than Kingston, the “control” town that it was compared with. It does, however, have one of the highest heart disease rates in the U.S. “Fluoride concentrates in the arteries, attracting calcium and can contribute directly to their hardening” according to scientists. This high rate of heart disease is shared by Grand Rapids, Michigan, another test town for fluoride in the 1950’s, which doubled its disease rate only 5 years into the trials. And it is shared by Ireland.Everyone, including the pro-fluoride lobby, agrees that fluoride works topically, not systemically. OK, so there is no need to swallow it. So WHY do we put it into the drinking water? It is estimated that the “target” for fluoridation, namely 5 –12 year olds who are forming teeth, consume only 0.01% of the water. Isn’t it better to target them through educational methods and selective treatment, rather than a mass medication of everyone? The “background level” of fluoride in our world is now extremely high. In the 1960’s there was hardly any. In the 2000’s fluoride in toothpaste, food, drinks, and industrial processes is pervasive. Of course, we already brush our teeth with it, but also we eat it, drink it, spray our crops with it, bathe in it, wash our clothes and bed-linen in it, every time we come in contact with something that has used fluoridated tapwater, we add that little bit of fluoride to our bodies. In the 1990’s neurological effects were shown in laboratory animals at 1ppm, which is the level we put into our drinking water! Up until the 1930’s they were trying to get fluoride OUT of water, since then industry has seen to it that what was then a dangerous chemical that caused a number of environmental disasters, was cynically transformed into the essential ingredient for nice shiny teeth! What does it take to open YOUR mind? European Union Environmental Services Ireland
Posted at 7:09AM on Feb 6th 2007 by Brian
5. Personally, I totally agree with Brian White, I, too, have not touched tapwater for 10 years - I use bottled for drinking and Euthymol unfluoridated toothpaste for brushing. Haven't needed a filling in years!

Russian Website - Healthy Drinks for Teeth Blog

Teeth - Healthy Drinks For Your Children
Choose the right container for drinks.
Its very important for overall health and particularly for teeth care of your child to choose the right container for drinks for each situation. You can use only one, but it will be not so healthy. Try to remember or right down when and what should you use for your child in order to save teeth healthy.
BABY CUP — ages 6 months to 2 years milk, 1/2 cup of 100% fruit juice a day, water with fluoride at all other times“I sit up, I use a cup”
KIDS CUP — ages 2 years and up milk at meals, 1/2 cup of 100% fruit juice a day, water with fluoride at all other times“I sit down to eat and drink”
BABY BOTTLE — newborn to 1 year breast milk is best, formula or water with fluoride (read comments below)“I am ready to stop the bottle at one year old”
TRAVEL MUG water with fluoride only for traveling“I save my travel mug for car trips”
Parents — You can keep your child cavity free.
Brush morning and night with fluoride toothpaste
Limit sweet and sticky foods to meal times
Have regular dental check ups
by Tea and Healthy Drinks
And remember: whats good for children cant be bad for adults.

4 Responses to “Teeth Healthy Drinks For Your Children”
1. EUES Ireland Says:
March 1st, 2007 at 12:23 pm Visit EUES Ireland
BABY BOTTLE — “newborn to 1 year breast milk is best, formula or water with fluoride”
The above statement is criminal in its ignorance of the recent ADA and CDC advisories NOT to use fluoridated water for babies under 1 year of age. Ref. Dr. Stephen Levy’s, Ohio, research showing the first 12 months of a baby’s life determines the appearance and level of fluorosis in PERMANENT teeth.
2. nyscof Says:
March 1st, 2007 at 1:46 pm Visit nyscof
The American Dental Association and the Centers for Disease Control now advise that no child under one year of age should be given fluoridated water.
Without fanfare or public announcement, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) posted a new fluoride caution on their website - avoid mixing fluoridated water into concentrated infant formula to prevent discolouring babies’ new teeth. (1)This came after the American Dental Association issued this alert to its members, but not the public, on November 9, 2007(1a) and after the Food and Drug Administration’s similar announcement (1b).
There is no dispute that too much fluoride causes dental fluorosis - white spotted, yellow or brown and sometimes pitted enamel. The CDC now admits that babies can ingest too much fluoride when fluoridated water is mixed into their concentrated infant formula and foods. Fluoride is added to 2/3 of public water supplies based on a disproved theory that fluoride ingestion prevents cavities.
“Where’s the media alert so that the parents, caregivers, healthcare workers and legislators know about this,” asks lawyer Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.(NYSCOF).
A New Hampshire newspaper reports the federal Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program still encourages mothers to mix formula with fluoridated water. (2)
“The CDC leaves it up to groups like ours to share the bad fluoride news,” says Beeber, “And then they will probably criticize us for doing so as they have in the past.” (2a)
This is what the CDC’s website says (1):
“It now appears that the amount of the fluoride contained in the water used for mixing infant formula may influence a child’s risk for developing enamel fluorosis, particularly if the child’s sole source of nutrition is from reconstituted infant formula.”
“If tap water is fluoridated or has substantial natural fluoride (0.7 mg/L or higher), a parent may consider using a low-fluoride alternative water source. Bottled water known to be low in fluoride is labeled as purified, deionized, demineralized, distilled, or prepared by reverse osmosis.”
“Using only water with low fluoride levels to mix formula will not eliminate the risk of enamel fluorosis…Other factors that contribute to developing fluorosis include swallowing of toothpaste and use of dietary supplements that include fluoride (tablets or drops).”
The CDC reports that, “formula itself has low amounts of fluoride,” [and] “when infant formula concentrate is mixed with fluoridated water and used as the primary source of nutrition, it may introduce fluoride at levels above the amount recommended to minimize the risk for fluorosis.”
What is recommended?
According to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) (3), to avoid moderate fluorosis (yellow or brown teeth), the adequate daily intake of fluoride, from all sources, should not exceed:
– 0.01 mg/day for 0 – 6-month-olds– 0.5 mg/day for 7 through 12 months
– 0.7 mg/day for 1 – 3-year-olds
Babies, under one year, consume over their adequate intake from the water supply alone at the so-called optimal concentrations (0.7 - 1.2 mg/L), according to the March 2006 NAS’ National Research Council (NRC) fluoride report (4).
The CDC reports, “one-third (33%) of children aged 12 to 15 years in the United States have very mild to mild forms of this condition.” However, the CDC omits that about 4% have moderate or severe fluorosis, according to the same reference. And up to ½ of all schoolchildren have fluorosis when the “questionable” category is included. (5)
The American Dental Association’s Fluoridation Facts describes questionable fluorosis as “A few white specks or white spots.” (6)
The CDC admits that “More cosmetically objectionable forms of this condition can occur when young children consume excess fluoride from all sources during critical periods of tooth development [up to age 8].”
Also alarming is that bottled water with added fluoride is now sold with the now-contraindicated instructions to mix into infant formula.(7)
Also little publicized is that the NRC report reveals that some people risk thyroid dysfunction and bone damage from drinking even low levels of fluoride; and studies linking fluoride to cancer and lowered IQ are plausible.
Few know that too much fluoride can actually decay teeth.(7a) And that the most widely used fluoridation chemicals, silicofluorides, are linked to higher rates of tooth decay.(7b)
“Parents also need to be taught the fluoride content of foods in easy-to-understand language, so it’s possible to tally daily fluoride intake and to be taught fluoride’s adverse health and dental effects,” says Beeber.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has compiled fluoride content of foods. (8)
NYSCOF warned the public about a research review published in 2000 showing infant formula mixed with fluoridated water leads to fluorosis.(2a) Many published studies link infant formula to fluorosis.(9)
A Tennessee legislator who is also a medical doctor asked all water departments in Tennessee to shut off the fluoride because of health concerns.(10) In Oregon, a fluoridation bill is stalled by a doctor and nurse in the legislature citing health concerns.(11)
Accessed 1/18/07
1b) US FDA, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling, and Dietary Supplements, October 14, 2006, “Health Claim Notification for Fluoridated Water and Reduced Risk of Dental Caries
(2) “Formula, fluoride mix may discolor infants’ teeth,” By Mark Hayward, Union Leader, Jan 11, 2007
(3) The National Academies of Science, “Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride,:1997
(4) The National Academies of Science, Committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water, National Research Council, “Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards,” March 2006
(5) US Centers for Disease Control.
(6) (page 28)
(7a) “Dentistry, Dental Practice, and the Community,” 5th edition 1999 Burt/Eklund
3. AleS Says:
March 1st, 2007 at 3:21 pm Visit AleS
I’ll change it immediately. Because I wasn’t sure about fluoride at all, but needed confirmation. Thanks!
4. EUES Ireland Says:
March 2nd, 2007 at 1:04 am Visit EUES Ireland
Dear AleS,Congratulations on taking such prompt action and correcting the earlier mistake. For concerned parents and citizens, who may like to note that there is deep controversy concerning the fluoridation of public drinking water in general, here are a few links to relevant sites where they can inform themselves.
SUGGESTED READING FOR THE INTERESTED & CONCERNED:Christopher Bryson – The Fluoride DeceptionBarry Groves – Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death? -very interesting look at all the physical effects of fluoride - A Doctors View -in plain English - lots of baby postings

Some general points about hydrofluorosilicic acid

Research over the past 30 years indicates that use of fluoride in a public water scheme leads to:a) higher levels of bone cancer in boys, and brittle bones in adultsb) lower IQ levels (from 6-12 IQ points has been noted)c) 40% of Irish children have fluorosis (mottling of teeth indicating enamel and related bone changes)d) possible increased incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease (due to fluoride’s propensity to combine with other minerals, mainly lead and aluminium – higher than normal levels of aluminium are recorded in sufferer’s brains, fluoride is retained by the body, usually 50% in adults)e) fluoride displaces iodine in the body – with evidence of associated thyroid problemsf) no increase in dental caries where fluoride ceases to be added to drinking waterDon’t forget, Ireland is the ONLY country in Europe to fluoridate by statute, only the UK (10% of pop.) and some cities in Spain (3%) permit the addition of fluoride to drinking water. You would think that being the only European fluoridating country that we would have by far the best caries rating, however, we come SIXTH in the league!We still do not hear the truth about the fluoridation issue from our media. Newburgh (which incidentally used pure sodium fluoride in the trials) has no better dental record 50 years down the line than Kingston, the “control” town that it was compared with. It does, however, have one of the highest heart disease rates in the U.S. “Fluoride concentrates in the arteries, attracting calcium and can contribute directly to their hardening” according to scientists. This high rate of heart disease is shared by Grand Rapids, Michigan, another test town for fluoride in the 1950’s, which doubled its disease rate only 5 years into the trials. And it is shared by Ireland.Everyone, including the pro-fluoride lobby, agrees that fluoride works topically, not systemically. OK, so there is no need to swallow it. So WHY do we put it into the drinking water? It is estimated that the “target” for fluoridation, namely 5 –12 year olds who are forming teeth, consume only 0.01% of the water. Isn’t it better to target them through educational methods and selective treatment, rather than a mass medication of everyone? The “background level” of fluoride in our world is now extremely high. In the 1960’s there was hardly any. In the 2000’s fluoride in toothpaste, food, drinks, and industrial processes is pervasive. Of course, we already brush our teeth with it, but also we eat it, drink it, spray our crops with it, bathe in it, wash our clothes and bed-linen in it, every time we come in contact with something that has used fluoridated tapwater, we add that little bit of fluoride to our bodies. In the 1990’s neurological effects were shown in laboratory animals at 1ppm, which is the level we put into our drinking water! Up until the 1930’s they were trying to get fluoride OUT of water, since then industry has seen to it that what was then a dangerous chemical that caused a number of environmental disasters, was cynically transformed into the essential ingredient for nice shiny teeth! What does it take to open YOUR mind?

South Africa & Florida - Two areas with Fluoride-producing phosphate industry

To: The Editor, Pretoria News
14 March 2007

Before wondering at the recurring insistence of the ( South African) Health Dept. to add fluoride to the public water supply in the face of the ever accruing volume of evidence of negative effects of such policies, perhaps one should contemplate the following: that pressures from mining companies and fluoride manufacturers in South Africa would be greatly eased by giving them an outlet for their waste products (hydrofluosilicic acid - the usual fluoridating agent) which is not just a free toxic waste dump, but also a source of revenue from those whose kidneys are being used to filter this chemical hodge-podge!
Among other elements it contains arsenic, mercury, aluminium, phosphorus, chromium, lead and sulphur in high volumes. Contact me at for a chemical analysis of this substance.

An attempt at irony in rebuffing the Florida, USA TC Palm Newspaper editorial which was vehemently pro-fluoridation. Not sure it worked, though, as it stopped the debate cold! lol

Sir, I fully agree with TCPalm. We are not entitled to both sides of the story. The assurances of vested interests such as the ADA should be enough for us! I mean, who in their right minds would want to make an opinion balanced on conflicting points of view? If we only get the one side of the story then it will be easy to make a decision and we wont have to worry about spending vast amounts of money on bottled water because there are added chemicals - toxic, schmoxic - in what comes out of our taps. I mean, poorer people cant spend that much to avoid it, can they? I say let those older wiser heads sponsored by the phosphate industry tell us what we can and cannot drink! They, after all, doubtless have our best interests at heart. And, good on ye, TCP, ban those dirty anti-fluoride people with their twisted lies from expressing THEIR viewpoint! Just because the last 30 years of research is coming out with all the negatives to fluoridation, doesn't mean you can't go on supporting that old guff, now does it?5:54:06 a.m. on March 1, 2007

Holmen,Wisconsin Fluoride Debate March 2007

On March 27th, 2007 around 5.15pm GMT many of the posts and debates on the fluoride issue disappeared from The Holmen Courier website on a number of articles. No explanation has been forthcoming.

wrote on March 27, 2007 11:12 AM (Wisconsin Time): "Hi. OK, to answer your questions, some of which I find completely irrelevant, but however: 1) No, I do not use fluoridated toothpaste - I use a Pfizer brand called Euthymol and have for about 10 years. Funny, but the number of filling I get has dropped from about 3 a year to 1 every two years, and that is replacing old ones. I have had NO caries since starting to use it. I never realised that until you asked, so thanks! 2) If you knew something that could help to improve a person's life through contacting them, would it really matter to you where they lived? If they lived far away would that cause you to ignore the help you could give? As it happens, I lived in Chicago for a number of years and vacationed in Wisconsin, so I have a soft spot for the state. I believe the Internet helps us all to realize that we are part of the larger world community anyway. 3) The clues of where I get my information are in some of my previous posts and the many links I give. I have studied fluoridation on the Internet, in books and on video, I have read articles, research papers and do a search every day via Google for new fluoride information. That is how I first heard of Holmen. I encourage everybody to do their OWN research and not just to take the word of vested interests! 4) My profession is as an environmental consultant in recycling. I run the logistics for one of the two Irish Producer WEEE Compliance schemes. As I said before, fluoride research is something I have undertaken at my own initiative as my "special interest". I also think it is one of the most disgusting and cynical practices inflicted on a human population without their consent by those who stand to gain financially by it. The long-term hazards to human health are totally unknown, but by the rates of increases in Alzheimer's Disease, cancers, osteoporosis, hyperthyroidism and other conditions in the populations of fluoridating countries it is only a matter of time until the penny drops. "

To: lucifersmirror 24/3/2007

Hi. I, and I am sure others, would appreciate if you kept this blog on topic. However, as the pro-fluoride lobby do not try to spread information and instead try to subdue it, I will answer your questions and remarks. First, you mention fluoride and the Nazis. I have read the fascinating " The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" which is the work usually referred to as containing the statements about concentration camp use of fluoride. The book does not mention this at all. Pending further substantiated information you can lump that together with the fluoride lobby's repeated references to Dr Strangelove and 50 year of fluoridation prove this is safe, etc...! As to beer, you can trust most beers brewed in countries without fluoridation, i.e. most of Europe, i.e. Belgium, Holland, Germany, France, etc. You must contact a company which brews beer on licence in Ireland to ascertain whether they use local fluoridated water or not. Most do. Carlsberg is safe in that it uses Northern Ireland water, Hoegarden also , as it is brewed in Belgium. For baby formula, use bottled water with sodium content under 15mg/l. Good luck, but please keep on topic in future. Regards.

wrote on March 19, 2007 12:46 PM:"Thank you. I agree that the cynical concept of mass medication and toxic waste dumping known as fluoridation is a world -wide problem (at least in Ireland, US, Canada, NZ and Australia where it is practiced) wherever it raises its ugly head, and that it does not matter where one lives - if you have some knowledge about the situation and you see people in danger, you try to help. Not doing so is an abrogation of responsibility. It seems that people who want this is their water are looking for the State to stop their caries, are they reluctant to ensure a proper dental regime and diet for themselves? Don't they realise that if you look after your teeth you don't need additives, especially in public water, to do the job you should be doing yourself? Is it just laziness? If they spent even three days researching this subject -say starting with Christopher Bryson's well researched book "The Fluoride Deception" (Video here: ) maybe they would start to see that the claims of the fluoride lobby revolve around something way beyond teeth. Why was the ADA AGAINST fluoridation until 1952?! They had discovered fluoride effects on the public in the 1920's. Unfortunately, there are just some people who want government to do everything for them without regard to the rights of others, especially those who try to educate themselves, regard their and their family members bodies as temples and are very aware of the pollutive effects of this hydrofluorosilicic acid. Buy a toothbrush and cut down on the sugar instead of trying to medicate everybody, that is the lazy way. SUGGESTED READING FOR THE INTERESTED & CONCERNED: Christopher Bryson – The Fluoride Deception Barry Groves – Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death? WEBSITES: -very interesting look at all the physical effects of fluoride - A Doctors View -in plain English -what the chemical companies say -what the York Report REALLY said -analysis of baby FL intake - just one of many scientists’ view - leaching of lead due to FL - links with Alzheimers - Prof.Paul Connett - Dr. Don MacAuley – Irish Dentist - DoHC Hiding Report? - A parents view site - U.S. Community concern LEARN – INFORM – CAUSE CHANGE EUES Ireland"

EUES Ireland wrote on March 18, 2007 12:15 PM:"Good Day! In relation to remarks about Ireland & fluoridation: 76% of public water is fluoridated and has been since 1964 after a 4 year case was taken by a citizen fighting it on the basis of individual freedom was brought all the way to the Supreme Court. As the only European country fluoridating by statute you would think that we would be number one in the European caries league, but we are 6th, behind 5 non-fluoridating countries. Even in the US, Utah has the lowest fluoridation AND the lowest caries rate. Ireland does though, have some of the highest heart disease rates, increasing Alzheimer's Disease rates and 40% higher levels of bone cancer in young men than non-fluoridated Northern Ireland! To say there is a very strong debate going on at this time is quite accurate. Recently, an Expert Fluoridation Forum institued by the government advised reducing the fluoridation rate from 1ppm to 0.6-0.8 ppm, a 25% reduction. Interesting as up until the last couple of years the ADA claimed that fluoridation under 0.7ppm had no effects! They have quietly dropped that claim, as public pressure causes governments to look at reducing the levels of hydrofluorosilicic acid added to water. A Dept of Health & Children committee has examined the situation and is considering advising that this toxic waste dumping known as fluoridation be ceased altogether. For those who still believe that fluoride makes bones and teeth stronger here is just the latest of many articles by professionals (in this case a pediatrician from Bangor, Maine) showing the fluoride claims up as false and misleading. "

March 16th, 2007
Hi people. Sorry I missed the last couple of days discussion – I actually DO have a job that keeps me way busy!! But I also have made it my business to investigate this fluoride issue for the past six years for myself. I will try to answer some of the comments made earlier.

The reference to lowered IQ levels is based on research conducted in China, where non-fluoridated villages were trial-twinned with those that had a higher natural fluoride level in the water. From 6-12 IQ points LOWER were noted as common in the fluoridated well water villages. See the science here: and here: and here:

Speaking of trial-twinning villages – did you know that the NY town of Newburgh (which incidentally used pure sodium fluoride in the 1950’s trials, not the hodge-podge of chemicals known as hydrofluosilicic acid used today) has no better dental record 50 years down the line than Kingston, the “control” town that it was compared with? It does, however, have one of the highest heart disease rates in the U.S. “Fluoride concentrates in the arteries, attracting calcium and can contribute directly to their hardening” according to scientists. This high rate of heart disease is shared by Grand Rapids, Michigan, another test town for fluoride in the 1950’s, which doubled its disease rate only 5 years into the trials.

It is difficult to know who I am talking to here as names do not come up on the website, but if anyone has questions (which I may or may not be able to answer) please feel free to ask– I much prefer questions asked honestly, rather than name calling and slagging off people. To JS, who said keep it brief – erm, why? How much do they charge you for people to put stuff up here??? You don’t have to read it. No one is forcing you to read, so, why do you want to force others to drink this gunk? Why are you even here if you think it’s all a waste of time?

Ireland is now into its third year of a smoking ban in all public buildings, including pubs. I love it!!! I smoked for 17 years and gave it up in my thirties. It is SO pleasant to go into a pub or concert now and not come out smelling like an ashtray. So that comment about being anti-ban is just stupid.

Check the Irish dentists site for the fluorosis figures. In the States it is estimated by the CDC that the figure is now that 50% of school-going children suffer from some form of fluorosis.
And here:

WHAT benefit of fluoride??? That is part of the problem, chuck. Cavity figures worldwide have dropped tremendously – WITH or WITHOUT fluoride! Seems like better education and dental habits to me. UTAH has the lowest (3%) fluoridated water supply of all the States – AND the lowest caries rate. U.S. Government figures – check it. In 2000 the British Government set up the York (University) Report – a forum of scientists which was to back the government’s intent to bringing in fluoridation. It examined all the science and research done on fluoridation since the 50’s. In its final report it said, and I quote: “We were unable to discover any reliable good-quality evidence in the fluoridation literature world-wide. What evidence we found suggested that water fluoridation was likely to have a beneficial effect, but that the range could be anywhere from a substantial benefit to a slight dis-benefit to children's teeth. This beneficial effect comes at the expense of an increase in the prevalence of fluorosis (mottled teeth). The quality of this evidence was poor.” Doesn’t sound like they thought the argument about the benefits was proven! What convinced you?
Get it here:
I ALWAYS encourage people to investigate and learn FOR THEMSELVES – something that you, Mr Smoking Ban, seem never to have bothered to do. Before you go slagging me and others off, why don’t you just move your, em, mouse and check some of the sites I have listed in my previous email? You don’t even have the courage to leave a name!

PS And sadly, yes, the Irish Guinness IS made with fluoridated Dublin water – now I have to drink Carlsberg, brewed in non-fl Northern Ireland –but hey, it’s OK! And there is fluoride in your Miller and all other beers and juices and any product manufactured in a fluoridated area. Happy St.Patrick’s Day!

And just to mention a good point made by another contributor to the Holmen debate:

By ROBERT BRIGGSKailua, HawaiiThis is in response to your recent article “Push to fluoridate Holmen's water could renew debate about practice.” You have provided much food for thought, Thank you very much.There is much I could comment on, but I wish for you, and those receiving a copy, to consider what water fluoridation has NOT done for cities fluoridated for many years. To name a few, New York, Boston, Washington, D.C., and Cincinnati, are all experiencing dental decay rates much higher than the national average. The dental decay rates in these cities are probably higher than in Holmen.I doubt that there is anything unique about Holmen to suggest that fluoridating its water would reduce dental decay.

Fluoridation - A Cynical Hoax

For the past few years I have been studying the fluoride debate, hah, even the name fluoride debate is erroneous, as what is commonly used throughout the English-speaking fluoridating community (5% of world population) is actually hydrofluorosilicic acid, a toxic waste from the phosphate fertiliser industry, which, together with various mining, aluminium manufacturing and uranium enriching industries, gains from the millions of dollars saved per year by not having to treat this cocktail of chemicals as hazardous waste, but actually turns another profit by selling it to the US, Australian, New Zealand, Canadian and Irish governments as the fluoridating agent for public water supplies!

For an excellent review of how the nuclear and aluminium industries spun the deadly toxin fluoride during the 40's and 50's from an accident prone killer of workers to the substance that give kiddies nice shiny teeth, read Christopher Bryson's - The Fluoride Deception. A video interview with this author is available at :

Rather than go into a synopsis of my feelings about this disgusting practice I will instead cut and paste some of my posts and comments to various sites and blogs around the world over the past month or so. My feelings should become obvious. I intend to use this blog as my main method of communication in future. I welcome any scientist who would like to comment, especially those who can refer myself and the reader to a link to actual verifiable research on fluoride-relevant matters - pro or con.

EUES Ireland stands for European Union Environmental Services Ireland and is part of a network of environmental consultants in the UK, France, Holland and Ireland. I would like to make it plain that this blog and its contents are my personal comments & feelings and not necessarily those of the EUES network. Welcome to my space.