Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Letter to Irish Citizens

February 5th, 2007

Dear Sir or Madam,

This letter concerns a matter that affects all of us living in Ireland, young and older.

In light of the recent declaration by the American Dental Association and the U.S. Center for Disease Control, together with numerous warnings from scientists, doctors and dentists, that the use of fluoridated water (tapwater) is NOT recommended for the reconstitution of baby and infant formula, I enclose a copy of a self-financed poster and billboard campaign currently active in Dublin to highlight the situation for the Irish public. This campaign is running in 50 locations throughout Dublin and an in-store poster campaign is about to begin.

The situation is very serious as fluoride accumulates in the body and young children retain up to 80% of ingested fluoride. Research over the past 30 years indicates that use of fluoride in a public water scheme leads to:
1) higher levels of bone cancer in boys, and brittle bones in adults
2) lower IQ levels (from 6-12 IQ points has been noted)
3) 40% of Irish children have fluorosis (mottling of teeth indicating enamel and related bone changes)
4) possible increased incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease (due to fluoride’s propensity to combine with other minerals, mainly lead and aluminium – higher than normal levels of aluminium are recorded in sufferer’s brains, fluoride is retained by the body, usually 50% in adults)
5) fluoride displaces iodine in the body – with evidence of associated thyroid problems
6) no increase in dental caries where fluoride ceases to be added to drinking water

Don’t forget, Ireland is the ONLY country in Europe to fluoridate by statute, only the UK (10% of pop.) and some cities in Spain (3%) permit the addition of fluoride to drinking water. You would think that being the only European fluoridating country that we would have by far the best caries rating, however, we come SIXTH in the league!

Ireland was sold a pup in 1960 by Dr Harold Hodge, an American expert on fluoride who pushed compulsory fluoridation on the Irish people through what is now known to have been manipulated and false reporting of the benefits. Newburgh, NY was the American town held up by the fluoridation lobby to be the shining example of the benefits of fluoridation. At the Supreme Court in Dublin in 1964, we didn’t know that Hodge had halted the 10 year trials for Newburgh after 5 years, that he knew of experiments with dogs in 1962 which had shown fluoride as highly toxic, and that he had experimented on subjects for the Manhattan Project, injecting unknowing car crash victims with radioactive materials to study the effects. This is the man who convinced our judiciary (who had no scientific background) that this was a safe and beneficial method of keeping down cavities. We didn’t learn the truth about him until documents were declassified in the early 1990’s.

We still do not hear the truth about the fluoridation issue from our media. Newburgh (which incidentally used pure sodium fluoride in the trials) has no better dental record 50 years down the line than Kingston, the “control” town that it was compared with. It does, however, have one of the highest heart disease rates in the U.S. “Fluoride concentrates in the arteries, attracting calcium and can contribute directly to their hardening” according to scientists. This high rate of heart disease is shared by Grand Rapids, Michigan, another test town for fluoride in the 1950’s, which doubled its disease rate only 5 years into the trials. And it is shared by Ireland.

The Irish health authorities pay over a million euro per annum and dump 10,000 liters of hydrofluorosilicic acid into our drinking water every day. It is illegal to emit this substance into the air, open water or land. But into our kidneys is fine. An analysis of this acid shows it is contaminated by many chemicals and elements such as lead, aluminium, mercury, chromium - there are, in fact over 40 different items in this “chemical soup”. The analysis has been done by the Eastern Health Board . Moreover, it is left to the supplying chemical companies to ensure the integrity and standard of the fluoridating acid. It is important to realise that what goes into our water is NOT AT ALL similar to pharmaceutical grade sodium fluoride as used in toothpaste – instead we get a toxic soup in drinking water.

Why does the health minister risk what is becoming an obvious long-term health hazard? Why has she not reduced the levels of fluoride in our water as recommended by the Governments OWN scientific study group – the Fluoridation Forum? That was back in 2002 and levels have been left unchanged! What is the story? Is it laziness, inefficiency or is there a possible agenda? Granted that the phosphate industries save hundreds of millions of dollars every year by selling their waste for use in water fluoridation in the U.S, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland instead of having to pay for costly treatment of this hazardous waste, but our politicians wouldn’t risk the health of the nation for that. Would they?

Our Department of Health has been totally silent about not using tapwater for babies’ formula. Why do they risk our babies’ health? The consensus worldwide is that tapwater fluoridated at 1ppm, as is in Ireland, should NOT be given to children under 4 years of age – where are the warnings from our government? In fact, I have discovered that nurses are told to tell mothers NOT to use bottled waters for formula! Why? Because some waters have too much sodium! Instead of letting the public know which bottled waters can be used, they direct newborn babies on to fluoridated tapwater in direct disregard of all medical advice! I have spent a few days locating many of the bottled waters available in Ireland and have compiled a list of which ones are suitable to use for infant formula and which are not. Happily, the best ones to use are among the cheapest on the market! This survey is available free of charge to anyone who wants it by emailing euesireland@eircom.net and requesting a copy.

Everyone, including the pro-fluoride lobby, agrees that fluoride works topically, not systemically. OK, so there is no need to swallow it. So WHY do we put it into the drinking water? It is estimated that the “target” for fluoridation, namely 5 –12 year olds who are forming teeth, consume only 0.01% of the water. Isn’t it better to target them through educational methods and selective treatment, rather than a mass medication of everyone?

The “background level” of fluoride in our world is now extremely high. In the 1960’s there was hardly any. In the 2000’s fluoride in toothpaste, food, drinks, and industrial processes is pervasive. Of course, we already brush our teeth with it, but also we eat it, drink it, spray our crops with it, bathe in it, wash our clothes and bed-linen in it, every time we come in contact with something that has used fluoridated tapwater, we add that little bit of fluoride to our bodies. In the 1990’s neurological effects were shown in laboratory animals at 1ppm, which is the level we put into our drinking water! Up until the 1930’s they were trying to get fluoride OUT of water, since then industry has seen to it that what was then a dangerous chemical which caused a number of environmental disasters, was cynically transformed into the essential ingredient for nice shiny teeth!

I urge you to make every effort over the next few weeks to have fluoride taken out of the Irish water supply. It is only by informing people of the long term dangers of this policy (and strangely, there has never, ever been a long term toxicity test for water fluoridation, anywhere) that we can persuade the Government to stop what is not just an infringement of people’s rights, but an infringement of their and their children’s health, as well. It is mass medication without regulation or concern for those who suffer from reactions to fluoride.

I can substantiate all comments in this letter. I am available should you wish further information. I have started the publicity ball rolling by placing these billboards over Dublin. In the near future the campaign will be expanded to Cork, Limerick and Galway. It is you, though, who will have to shoulder some of the responsibility for informing the public and our leaders. If you are worried about the consequences, just remember that when consulted by the Fluoridation Forum, 90% of Irish people said they did not want fluoridation; many city and county councils have also voted against it. The best result for us all will be to stop the policy dead. Please sign our petition which will be brought to the EU Commission to request the halt to this practice. Also please sign the petition at http://www.voiceireland.org/ . And mention it on-line or in person to you local politician.
With Thanks & Best Regards,

European Union Environmental Services Ireland

Christopher Bryson – The Fluoride Deception
Barry Groves – Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death?
www.kildare.ie/healthfitness/2006/12/fluoride_in_water.html -very interesting look at all the physical effects of fluoride
http://www.lewrockwell.com/miller/miller17.html - A Doctors View -in plain English
http://pubs.acs.org/cen/news/84/i13/8413notw8.html -what the chemical companies say
http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/crd/fluoridnew.htm -what the York Report REALLY said
http://www.ewg.org/issues/fluoride/20060322/index.php -analysis of baby FL intake
http://www.just-think-it.com/no-f.htm - just one of many scientists’ view
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=25017 - leaching of lead due to FL
http://www.actionpa.org/fluoride/aluminum.html - links with Alzheimers
http://www.taxtyranny.ca/images/HTML/Fluoride/Fluoride31.html - Prof.Paul Connett
http://www.rvi.net/~fluoride/000072.htm - Dr. Don MacAuley – Irish Dentist
http://www.purewatergazette.net/fluorideinformation.htm - DoHC Hiding Report?
http://bruha.com/pfpc/ - A parents view site
http://www.waterwatchofutah.com/thecontroversy.htm - U.S. Community concern
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7319752042352089988&pl=true - the Fluoride Deception film trailer

Hi, I am writing to you from an Irish environmental company, which is involved in the campaign to have fluoride removed from our drinking water in Ireland.

Research over the past 30 years indicates that use of fluoride in a public water scheme leads to:
a) higher levels of bone cancer in boys, and brittle bones in adults
b) lower IQ levels (from 6-12 IQ points has been noted)
c) 40% of Irish children have fluorosis (mottling of teeth indicating enamel and related bone changes)
d) possible increased incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease (due to fluoride’s propensity to combine with other minerals, mainly lead and aluminium – higher than normal levels of aluminium are recorded in sufferer’s brains, fluoride is retained by the body, usually 50% in adults)
e) fluoride displaces iodine in the body – with evidence of associated thyroid problems
f) no increase in dental caries where fluoride ceases to be added to drinking water

Don’t forget, Ireland is the ONLY country in Europe to fluoridate by statute, only the UK (10% of pop.) and some cities in Spain (3%) permit the addition of fluoride to drinking water. You would think that being the only European fluoridating country that we would have by far the best caries rating, however, we come SIXTH in the league!

We still do not hear the truth about the fluoridation issue from our media. Newburgh (which incidentally used pure sodium fluoride in the trials) has no better dental record 50 years down the line than Kingston, the “control” town that it was compared with. It does, however, have one of the highest heart disease rates in the U.S. “Fluoride concentrates in the arteries, attracting calcium and can contribute directly to their hardening” according to scientists. This high rate of heart disease is shared by Grand Rapids, Michigan, another test town for fluoride in the 1950’s, which doubled its disease rate only 5 years into the trials. And it is shared by Ireland.

Everyone, including the pro-fluoride lobby, agrees that fluoride works topically, not systemically. OK, so there is no need to swallow it. So WHY do we put it into the drinking water? It is estimated that the “target” for fluoridation, namely 5 –12 year olds who are forming teeth, consume only 0.01% of the water. Isn’t it better to target them through educational methods and selective treatment, rather than a mass medication of everyone?
The “background level” of fluoride in our world is now extremely high. In the 1960’s there was hardly any. In the 2000’s fluoride in toothpaste, food, drinks, and industrial processes is pervasive. Of course, we already brush our teeth with it, but also we eat it, drink it, spray our crops with it, bathe in it, wash our clothes and bed-linen in it, every time we come in contact with something that has used fluoridated tapwater, we add that little bit of fluoride to our bodies. In the 1990’s neurological effects were shown in laboratory animals at 1ppm, which is the level we put into our drinking water! Up until the 1930’s they were trying to get fluoride OUT of water, since then industry has seen to it that what was then a dangerous chemical that caused a number of environmental disasters, was cynically transformed into the essential ingredient for nice shiny teeth!

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